Chakr Innovation, a start-up founded by graduates from IIT Delhi, becomes the first solution provider for end-to-end compliance to the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) regulation in Delhi NCR. Chakr Innovation has launched a dual fuel kit and a Type Approved retrofit emission control device (RECD) which will allow the users to run their DG sets for 2 hours even during the winter season.
In order to step up its efforts to deal with problem of air pollution, The Government of India has planned to reduce the emission of most hazardous pollutants (PM2.5 & PM10) under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP).
Beside this Government of India has also adopted an airshed approach to take measures for dealing with the problem of air pollution across the country. Under this approach, policy makers will have to plan actions keeping in view geographical, meteorological and other factors which pollute air. Currently, airshed approach is being implemented for Delhi – NCR region by Commission for Air quality management (CAQM).
Also, Commission for Air quality management (CAQM) has recently issued new guidelines on use of diesel generators set for Delhi NCR region during the GRAP period, which has come into effect since 1st October and has led to the ban on using Diesel Generators to cut chronic pollution levels in the Delhi – NCR region.
The commission stated that the DG sets that run on dual-fuel mode along with Type approved RECD will be allowed to run for a maximum of two hours for industrial and commercial purposes. In areas where gas infrastructure is unavailable, DG sets with Type Approved RECD will be permitted for one hour. Chakr Innovation is the first company in India to provide both the solutions to the end user.
Only handful of Diesel generators in Delhi – NCR region have switched to cleaner PNG, as per estimate provided by industrial bodies. In Gautam Budh Nagar, the number is just over 100 per 10,000 units of DG sets. As a garment producing hub, Noida and Greater Noida have around 25,000 industrial units, mostly small and medium ones, many of which use gensets.
Due to Limited network of PNG network, procedural delays and festive season around the corner many Industries are stalling the conversion in hope of relief or exemptions due to which the adoption of these emission control measures remains very limited.
Working in this direction with an aim to reduce air pollution and improve air quality, Chakr innovation has now launched, ‘Dual Fit Kit Technology’ providing end-to-end solution in compliance to all CAQM regulations for DG set used in Delhi NCR region. Dual Fit kit technology uses 70% Gas & 30% diesel mixture for DG operations. This will support industries to operate their DG sets during GRAP Period.
‘Chakr innovation’s cutting-edge technology will reduce air pollution and improve air quality and we are committed to provide end to end technical solutions that facilitate industrial operations. Now industries don’t need to seek any extension or relief from government bodies. Our offerings will accelerate the switch to PNG for uninterrupted DG operations in accordance with CAQM regulations’ said Kushagra Srivastava, CEO at Chakr Innovation.
With another product in the market now, Chakr Innovation is all set to create a revolution in curbing air pollution with their state of art technology. To know more about the Chakr Products in emission control for DG sets and the certification.
Visit: www.chakr.in